Wednesday, November 5, 2008

If I doubled my donation, would you leave your clothes on?

At one time, it must have been novel for moderately overweight, less-than-attractive people to pose naked for charity calendars.

But once a genius idea like this is released from the bottle, a flurry of wrinkly pink genies are bound to escape. Now there are naked calendars dedicated to saving cats, aiding breast cancer survivors,raising cash for ambulance services, encouraging women to pursue technology careers, and funding rural elementary schools.

There is even a calendar featuring naked clowns to raise money for MS victims. And all twelve got in that car, sadly.

Everyone connected to these things loses. The unfortunate few saps that actually buy them, the charities that go unfunded, and increasingly the participants themselves lose (part of) their ass.

The Spanish moms trying to raise money for the rural school got lost in the nudie charity calendar glut, losing $16,000 and finding themselves stuck with thousands of extra copies.

"The sad part for us," said one of the naked Spanish mommies, "is figuring out what to do with them."

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