Saturday, November 15, 2008

Kickin' It With Da G-Man and Pastor Skeet

Christians have been using popular culture to lure young members to the flock for years. (ex. Guitar mass, Mega-Church JumboTrons)

A new era of Christian video games aims to bring witness to Jesus with games like Forgiveness ("an awesome turn-based RPG series!") and Left Behind: Eternal Forces.

While we can't recommend games that deliver digital guilt, we are high on Kyle "Da G-Man" Goldman, a video-game reviewer on Pastor Skeet's Zounds! Youth Rock Ministry site. "When he's not too busy studying at the F-Ship to become a Missiological Technician," enthuses Pastor Skeet, "Kyle likes to hang with his peeps in the Commons and play some vids."

Da G-Man even reviews games he hasn't played, such as Grand Theft Auto IV:

"Needless to say, all Christians should avoid this game and pray for the people who made it and their victims (murder victims and gamers of all ages who have played it and have been spiritually scarred).ZERO CROSSES"


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